Come To Support Me at IJL2015 Seminar And Find Out How To Increase Engagement On Your Social Media

After my successful seminar at IJL 2014 about marketing jewellery brands on social media and in blogs, I have been invited back this year to give another talk. Different from last year, it will be a logical continuation of the jewellery marketing subject.

On 6 September from 11.00 to 12.00, I, fellow blogger Beanie Major from and designer Sarah Ho will be explaining how to gain more followers on Instagram and Facebook, as well as how to raise their interest in your brand. This is something of particular relevance today, with more and more jewellery brands (including exclusive brands such as Hemmerle, Cindy Chao and Suzanne Syz) turning to this free method of advertising.

Come To Support Me at IJL2015 Seminar And Find Out How To Increase Engagement On Your Social Media

There is more to using social media than merely uploading photos of jewellery and waiting for your followers’ reactions. The secret lies in the name: “social”. Having a Facebook or Instagram account implies two-way communication between the jeweller or brand and their followers, as they keep up with the designer or brand’s progress. If you use social networks purely to self promote, your followers will soon lose interest in “gate crashing someone else’s party”, their number will fall, and so will the number of likes.

So, if you would like to see some illustrative examples of successful publications, campaigns and approaches demonstrated from the brand point of view by Sarah Ho, and from the point of view of those who write about brands by me and Beanie, come to our seminar at IJL 2015 at Olympia London on 6 September. Secure your place early as a full house is guaranteed!

Come To Support Me at IJL2015 Seminar And Find Out How To Increase Engagement On Your Social Media

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